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    Dermabrasion Procedure for Acne Scars and More

    November 28, 2016

    Dermabrasion is used to enhance the appearance of your skin. Dermabrasion is an exfoliating technique used to remove the outer layers of your skin especially on the face. A rotating instrument called dermabrader is generally used for dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is mostly used for acne treatment. Before removing the outermost layer, a local anaesthesia is used to numb your skin.

    Why Dermabrasion is used?

    Dermabrasion is mainly used to remove the damaged outer layer of your skin. When the outer layer is removed the soft, younger looking smooth skin gets exposed. Dermabrasion is the best cure for acne and scars. Dermabrasion is mainly used to treat the following dermatological problems:

    • Fine wrinkles
    • Age spots
    • Acne scars
    • Precancerous skin patches
    • Rhinophyma
    • Scars from surgery
    • Sun damage
    • Uneven skin tone

    There are few dermatological issues that will prevent your doctor from performing dermabrasions. Dermatological issues like inflammatory acne, radiation burns, recurrent herpes flare-ups and scars will not allow your cosmetic surgeon to perform dermabrasion.

    Preparation of Dermabrasion

    Your cosmetic surgeon will recommend you to go for a physical examination before dermabrasion. Physical examination helps the cosmetic surgeon to analyse the condition of your skin and diagnose if any inflammation persist.  Keep your doctor posted if, you are taking any medications that will interfere with the treatment.

    In rare cases taking medication during treatment can lead to bleeding or change your skin colour. It is better to avoid smoking before and after the treatment as it can cause premature aging of your skin. Continuous smoking also decreases the blood flow and slows the healing process after the treatment.

    You need to protect your skin from harmful sun rays before dermabrasion for about 2 months. Excess of sun exposure can cause skin discolouration. Sunscreen lotions can be used after your skin is completely healed from dermabrasion.

    To avoid the risk of infection and other chronic inflammatory diseases, you doctor will recommend you to take antiviral drugs, oral antibiotics. Lotions with vitamin A content can be used after dermabrasion to promote quick healing.

    Dermabrasion procedure

    A local anaesthesia is generally given before treatment. During the treatment dermabrader is used across your skin. Dermabrader is used for dermabrasion treatment; it is a small motorized device with a rough surface that will help in removing the outer surface of your skin.

    If you have large patches, circular dermabrader is used, whereas on smaller patches or corners of your mouth a pointed tip dermabrader is used. Number of sessions depends on your skin condition. Soon after the treatment a moist dressing is required on the treated area. Dressing can be changed the following day after the treatment.

    After dermabrasion your skin typically turns pinks and swollen and tingling sensation is observed. In few cases a yellow liquid will be oozed out of your skin while healing. Your skin will take 2-3 months to completely heal from the treatment.

    If you are having acne and scars on your face and needs a permanent treatment, you must go for dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is one of common cosmetic procedures in Delhi. You can consult Dr. Surender Chawla – the best cosmetic procedures in Delhi. for skin related problems. The cosmetic surgeon in Delhi are less and affordable and gives complete cure from dermatological problems.

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