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    Aging is an inevitable process it affects not only skin but every organ of our body. Till now we can

    not reverse aging but certain modification and modulation in skin and body helps us achieving rejuvenated and aesthetically pleasing look which leads to boost in your confidence and morale.

    What causes aging:

    Aging is caused by internal factors of body which bring about certain structural changes in our body tissue with advancing tissue.

    Similarly external or environmental factors bring aging sign in our skin. Most important factors are poor nutrition, smoking and sun exposure.

    How aging affect skin and deeper tissue:

    Skin has two layers outer one is epidermis and inner dermis. Aging affects all layer of skin, fat layer muscle and bone.


    With advancing age epidermis has some pigmentation changes and its turnover become very slow or irregular.


    Aging has major effect on dermal layer. Collagen and fibrin are the chief component of dermis and with progressive age number of cells which produce collagen decrease. Blood supply of skin is also decreased.  Quality and quantity of collagen and fibrin is also affected. Water holding capacity of dermis is also compromised so it appears dry and wrinkled.


    Besides skin deeper tissue like bone muscle and fat  also lose their volume and produce jowls and folds.


    How to prevent Aging :

     Most effective measure for prevention of aging is

    1) Avoid exposure to sunlight especially during peak hours (10-4 PM )

    2) Use sun protective cream and clothes


    At South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic our Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi analyze effects of aging and the severity of the changes present in your skin and  then we make a customized treatment plan so that you achieve the desired results various treatment modalities we have at our Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi include medical, non-invasive and surgical  treatment  modalities are


    Medical treatment has been designed for mild anti-aging and wrinkles changes. This Cosmetic procedure in South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic, consist of some local application and oral treatment. This makes your skin pigment free.

    Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi for Wrinkle Treatment by adept Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi

    Our best Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi assesses the skin imperfections and includes various medication according to your skin problem and its suitability.

    Non invasive rejuvenation Cosmetic procedure in Delhi 

    They have better effect on your skin but deeper tissue remain unaffected

    Chemical Peel: Chemical Peel is simple cost effective Cosmetic treatment to give you pigment free and smooth young looking skin. This is done by sugar and fruit extract.


    Microdermabrasion Cosmetic procedure in South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic,  helps in exfoliating upper layer of epidermis and give you healthy, smooth and youthful skin.


    Laser technology is the latest Cosmetic procedure in South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic, to rejuvenate your skin .it helps in removing unwanted pigment and give  you spotless skin .laser also improve the thickness and elasticity of skin and make it toned, hydrated, and wrinkle free. Some lasers known as  ablative laser have downtime after resurfacing .now a days non ablative lasers are also available which help you achieving young healthy skin without any down time but it require multiple session.


    It has good effect on the skin of younger people and makes it tight. Aging also produce unwanted wrinkles and folds on your skin. Some wrinkles are produced by excessive activity of muscles and gradual loss of volume of tissue. To make you wrinkle free and help you achieve youthful face we have anti wrinkle Cosmetic procedures in South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic.


    It is now known as wonder drug which gives you instant result and makes you wrinkle free. It also improve the hydration of your skin .It is given by injection. Our best Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi ,  has received special training for facial rejuvenation with Botox.


    They consist of natural substances already present in our skin. It is injected with small needle inside your skin. Effects of fillers last up-to 1 year only. You may require touch up after few months to maintain its effect. Fillers get you rid off all depression like nasolabial folds and marionette lines, wrinkles, and also help you achieve fuller lips and hands.

    Cosmetic Surgery

    Various cosmetic surgeries like face lift, brow lift, neck lift, foreheadplasty, lip augmentation help in re-positioning of all your sagging or drooping facial structures which Cosmetic Surgery of face can be combined with non surgical rejuvenation methods to give you excellent results. Surgical results are almost permanent results. However Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi has its down time and some side effects

     Our anti-aging cosmetic treatment single or in combination help you to defy your age and make you several year younger than your age.


    Sophisticated Wrinkle and Aging Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, at affordable Cosmetic Surgery Prices in Delhi, is given by South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic under the conscientious observation of best Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Surendra Chawla. Book an appointment now! Contact South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic on 8860906117.

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    D-738 basement, Near, Market No-2, Chittaranjan, New Delhi,
    New Delhi - 110019