What is tummy Tuck Surgery after Pregnancy? Tummy tuck or Lipoabdominoplasty is the common term being used to improve the shape of tummy area. It is completely different than non-surgical tummy tuck, a 1-3 hour tummy tuck you will see in various ads. Ideally tummy tuck is used for tummy shaping usually after pregnancy. This surgery will address loose hanging belly skin with stretch mark, fat deposits during pregnancy and weak tummy muscles. What are Effects of Pregnancy on Tummy Shape? Pregnancy brings lot of changes in your tummy shape and most of them are not reversible. During pregnancy there is lot of fat deposition in tummy area. After pregnancy or multiple pregnancies skin, muscles of tummy or abdominal wall become very loose and weak.Skin expansion during pregnancy lead to skin laxity and lot of stretch marks. Even after many months of recovery after pregnancy skin remains loose. After pregnancy muscles of tummy area especially in midline become very loose and get separated from each other. This gives a weird central bulge which increase on standing. So women have stretch marks, loose hanging skin and unwanted bulges. Why do women want tummy tuck?
October 20, 2017
Posted in Tummy Tuck by South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic | Tags: best Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi, Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Cosmetic Surgery Prices in Delhi, lipoabdominoplasty, liposuction, Tummy Tuck after Pregnancy. abdominoplasty, tummy-tuck-in-india, tummy-tuck-liposuction-abdominoplasty, tummy-tuck-surgery