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    Liposuction Surgery Procedure

    August 25, 2016

    Liposuction surgery is done to remove excess of fat from the body. It is a suction procedure performed by using surgical equipments. Liposuction is also called as the lipoplasty and body contouring surgery. The excess fat in the body form small bulges that cannot be removed by diet and exercise. Liposuction is generally done on hips, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, inner knee, chest area, upper arms and face. Liposuction is mainly performed to remove the fat from the body and not the cellulite. Liposuction is performed along with other procedures to give a perfect desired shape to the body. It is one the most popular and a safest cosmetic procedure.  Liposuction can be performed on adults who have good muscle tone along with firm elastic skin. People with life threatening diseases cannot undergo liposuction as it makes the healing process difficult. Liposuction generally takes longer time to recover and is a painful procedure.

    August 25, 2016

    Enlarged breast is a common problem seen in men. It is due to the accumulation of fats in the breast tissues. Breast tissues swell due to presence of more amount of fat content in it. Gynecomastia is the other name for enlarged breast in men. One or both the breast can get affected with gynecomastia. The main cause of breast enlargement is due to the hormonal changes in men. The hormone estrogen is responsible for breast enlargement. Estrogen is present in both men and women that can cause enlargement in breast. Breast enlargement is for a small period of time. It comes back to its normal size in a short span. Only in few rare cases it last longer, and in such cases treatment is required to reduce the breast size. Newborn babies may also have gynecomastia wherein the hormone gets transferred from mother to the baby. The hormone stays in the blood after birth and leads to enlargement of breast. Older men and middle-aged men can also have gynecomastia. This condition may be due to aging or due to certain medicines like antibiotics and anti-anxiety drugs. Breast can also get enlarged due to obesity and it can be treated with exercise and diet. Diet and exercise have beneficial effect on the body. Most of the people with stress and hormonal imbalance experience large breast

    August 25, 2016

    Hair Loss Treatment in Delhi

    Hair loss is commonly seen in both genders. Hair loss can lead to temporary or permanent baldness if left untreated. Hair loss problem can be addressed in Cosmetic Surgery Clinics  that provide various treatment to control hair loss. Hair loss in man and woman can be caused due to many reasons. It can be caused due to stress, poor diet, hair styling and genetics. Hair loss can be an inherited disorder that can be treated through hair transplantation. It can be due to the hormonal imbalance. In few cases the male hormones have a bad effect on hair roots that leads to hair loss. Hair loss treatment by hair transplant surgical technique is one of the option available. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that helps in replacing the hair follicle from one part of the body and shifting to other part where the hair density is low. The part that donates the hair follicle is referred to as donor site

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    New Delhi - 110019