What is Gynecomastia or Man Boob/Male Breast
Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement or prominent male breasts is a quite common condition in men.At our South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic in Gurgaon and Delhi one of the most common cosmetic surgery in man is Gynaecomastia/ male breast reduction surgery. It is commonly known as male boobs. Most of the time it occurs in young males however it can also occur in middle aged and older person. When breast size increase >4.0 cm in size it is considered as a case of Gynaecomastia or Male breast It brings in lot of embarrassment, mental and social trauma and cosmetic problem to a person. Most of them try to hide it with loose shirts and withdraw from public exposure. Few of them avoid bare chest activities like swimming and boxing. Some person do lot of work-out to make chest muscle bulkie rand believe that gymming will remove or burn the deposited fat.
Causes of Gynaecomastia
Most of the time gynaecomastia is caused by unknown reason. Mostly man attending our clinic are in their age of twenties.It commences nearly at age of 13-14 yrs .At this age hormonal increase in body not change body shape but also bring some changes in breast tissue. Most of man feel some changes in their breast. In 30-40% cases these changes cause enlargement .4.0 cm in size and it does not reduce even after couple of years. But in few cases it ma