Mole on facial Skin
What is Mole ?
Mole is dark brown spot on skin in any body area.they are produced by overgrowth of pigment producing cells of the skin. Commonly moles are referred as beauty spot or lucky spot or birth mark. Moles may present at the time of birth or may develop at any age during lifetime.
Why to remove mole?
Moles specially on face are removed for many reasons but most commonly because of cosmetic reasons. Sometime when it increase in size, changes its color and shape or develop ulcer and bleeding. whenever there is doubt about cancer it is better to remove it.
Moles are of variable size and depth and shape . Mole removal treatment is decided by these features. Best results are achieved by surgery or electrosurgery or laser.
Larger moles which are elevated above skin surface are best removed by plastic surgery. one should not expect scarless removal of mole. there may be a thin line which may be minimally visible. Mole on different part of face produce different scar.
Mole is removed by making mole and its surrounding are a numb. This is done by a small injection and you done feel any pain after that. You may or may not require stitches after removal and healing is complete within 4-7 days
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Laser is not a good choice because it does not penetrate into the depth of mole.
Electrosurgery may be used to remove flat moles of small size.
Mole removal by a qualifies doctor will give aesthetic results without any major risk or complication.