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    Injury Scar- How To Remove a Forehead Skin Scar By Plastic Surgery?

    April 24, 2019

    Forehead Injury Scar|Scar Removal Surgery Delhi

    Injury scar on face are not acceptable to anybody. Both men and women are very concerned about scar on face. So Many of them visit plastic surgery clinic for scar removal surgery.

    Mr Vikram presented with a bad injury scar on forehead after a roadside accident. It was creating cosmetic problem to him. He was very much concerned with bad appearance of face. According to him, this scar was affecting his personality and confidence.

    Foread Injury Mark

    He visited plastic surgeon for consultation regarding treatment. He was examined and advised for plastic surgery treatment of scar. Doctor informed him that scar can be improved up-to great extent but would not v

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