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    February 10, 2017

    Rhinoplasty also called as nose job is a common cosmetic surgery procedure that helps in reshaping your nose and giving it an aesthetic appearance there could be other nose deformities that may require Rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is also done to improve breathing problems that occurs as natural defect in your nose. The upper part of your nose is the bone and the lower portion is made of cartilage. Rhinoplasty surgery helps in modifying both bone and cartilage. When planning for a surgery, you need to consult your cosmetic surgeon. Your surgeon will examine your facial features along with the skin on your nose and cartilage to develop a customized plan. Rhinoplasty surgery can change the shape, size of your nose that may be done to repair or correct the deformities from an injury. The birth defects can also be improved with this surgical procedure.

    Tips to Recover post Rhinoplasty

    Rhinoplasty or nose job is a complex surgical procedure that can have disastrous results if not performed correctly. Further corrections are required in few cases when the surgery leads to unfavo

    January 31, 2017

    Vitiligo is a chronic disease condition in which the skin loses its colour and results in white patches. These de-pigmented patches generally appear on the exposed body sites such as face, elbows, knees, hands and feet. Vitiligo can either be treated with medication and creams and in few rare cases, it requires surgery. Phototherapy can also be done to treat the white patches on your body. Surgery is usually considered only in the condition when you have a stable vitiligo. Stable vitiligo is a condition where the depigmentation does not spread further to any other part of your body.

    Goal of Vitiligo Surgery

    The main goal of vitiligo surgery is to achieve complete re-pigmentation that will compliment your normal skin tone.  All patients with vitiligo are not suitable for surgery; you need to consult your cosmetic surgeon before taking the decision of the surgical treatment. The common factors that the cosmetic surgeon needs to consider in the patients are:

    • The age of the patient
    • Disease stability
    • Size and location of the vitiligo patch
    • The method selected for surgery
    • Proposed donor site

    Types of Vitiligo Surgery

    The main aim of vitiligo surgery is to transfer the melanocytes from the normal skin to the affected area where vitiligo patches are present. Melanocytes are the pigment producing cells that are r

    January 30, 2017

    Total body lift is a cosmetic procedure that helps in improving the shape and toning your underlying tissues that supports fat and skin. During this procedure excessive sagging fat and skin are removed from your body. Total body lift helps in improving the dimpled and irregular skin surface that is commonly referred as cellulite. Total body lift is required in case of frequent weight fluctuations, sun damage and pregnancy. There are many factors that contribute to the poor elasticity and can result in sagging appearance. Total body lift generally includes the following parts of your body that undergoes reshaping and toning:

    • Abdominal area
    • Buttocks
    • Groin
    • Thigh

    Total Body Lift Candidate

    The right candidate for total body lift includes:

    • Person with significant soft tissue looseness in one or more parts of the body
    • Healthy individual without any severe medical condition that increases the risk of surgery
    • Individual who do not smoke as it may impair the healing process
    • Individuals who are committed to leading a healthy lifestyle with nutritious diet

    Total Body Lift Procedure

    Total body lift procedure is a surgical procedure that requires extensive incisions. The length of incision and pattern depends completely on the location and amount of excess skin that need to be remo

    January 23, 2017

    Face lift surgery also called as rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure that helps in improving the visible signs of aging in your face and neck. The common signs treated during face lift surgery are sagging appearance in the middle of your face and deep creases below your eyelids. A face lift surgery is one of the extensive ways to remove or reduce the wrinkles from your face that appears due to aging. During the traditional face lift surgery, your skin is lifted off the face to tighten and reposition the skin and tissues present on the deeper side.

    Simple Tips for Face Lift Surgery

    Before consulting a cosmetic surgeon, you need to keep the following points in mind:

    1. Keep yourself motivated and you don’t need to feel bad about the way you appear. Your primary motivation to go for face lift surgery should be to improve your self-image and refresh your face and not because you don’t feel good about your face. Face lift surgery cannot completely change your life, but it can only enhance your beauty by giving an aesthetic appearance.
    2. Generally people going for facelift surgery have high expectations as they think a surgery can transform them into a completely new person. Your cosmetic surgeon can only reshape and give a perfect contour to your face. Face li

    January 20, 2017

    Nose deformities are generally treated with rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is commonly called as nose job technique that is used to reshape your nose and giving it a perfect contour. Rhinoplasty generally takes 1-2 hours for it to complete and does not require long hospital stay. Rhinoplasty is mainly performed through small incisions that are made inside the nostrils.

    Type of Nose Deformities that requires Rhinoplasty

    Rhinoplasty procedure differs from person to person based on their deformity. The common types of nose deformities include:

    • Crooked Nose

    Crooked nose generally results due to a childhood injury or previous nasal surgery. Crooked nose appearance can be hereditary or a congenital defect. Most of the kids are born with an asymmetric face and with the help of rhinoplasty; you can treat such asymmetries with rhinoplasty. A crooked nose is mainly due to septal deviation. The nose can be reshaped and brought to the midline by performing straightening and strengthening maneuvers on the septum. Spreader grafts and septal struts are few of the techniques that are used in rhinoplasty. Microfracture technique is also used in most of the cases. The nasal bone are generally made malleable and then set into better alignment. Aft

    January 18, 2017

    Arm lift is a common cosmetic surgery procedure that is used to enhance the shape of your arms by giving it a toned appearance.  Arm lift surgery is commonly called as brachioplasty. During an arm lift surgery or brachioplasty, excess hanging skin from your underarms is removed. Reshaping of the under portion of your upper arm is done during brachioplasty. Brachioplasty is generally done to improve the droopy and sagging upper arms.  Arm lift surgery helps in weight loss and the natural aging process.

    Are you a Candidate for Brachioplasty?

    Brachioplasty or arm lift surgery is considered only in the following conditions:

    • When the underside of your upper arms are loose and giving it a sagging appearance.
    • When exercise or any other physical activity does not help in reducing your upper arms
    • When there is excess skin and laxity in the upper arm region

    How to Prepare for Arm lift or Brachioplasty?

    Before going for an arm lift or brachioplasty, your cosmetic surgeon might consider the following points:

    • Evaluating your general health and determining the risk factors
    • Examining and measuring your body for the surgery
    • Your cosmetic

    January 13, 2017

    Hair loss is a common problem seen in all age groups. Hair loss can be the result of heredity and hormonal changes in your body. Baldness generally refers to the excessive hair loss from your scalp and it increases with age. Hereditary hair loss with age is the common cause of baldness.

    Hair Loss Causes

    Most of the people normally shed 50-100 hairs each day. This condition does not lead to noticeable thinning of the scalp hair because the new hairs will be growing at the same time. Hair loss mainly occurs when the hair growth cycle is disrupted and hair follicles are completely destroyed and replaced with scar tissues. The common factors that can lead to hair loss include:

    1. Family History (Heredity)

    When you experience hair loss due to hereditary condition, it is referred as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness.  This kind of hair loss occurs in a predictable pattern. The rate of hair loss and extent of baldness is generally due to family history and the genes you have inherited from your parents. Pattern baldness is common in men when compared to women. Pattern baldness starts at an early age before puberty and can cause thinning of your hair and miniaturization.

    1. Hormonal Changes

    Hormonal imbalance mainly affects women and can lead to temporary hair loss. Hormonal imbalance

    January 11, 2017

    Facelift commonly called as rhytidectomy surgery is a surgical procedure that helps in improving the visible signs of ageing on your face and neck. Aging brings numerous changes on face. The common signs of ageing that needs a facelift treatment include:

    • Sagging appearance of the face
    • Deep creases that appear below your eyelids
    • Creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
    • Loss of skin tone on the lower side of face
    • Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under your chin and jaw

    There are different factors that are responsible for aging and loss of youthful contours. Most common is loss of volume of various tissue with advancing age.  The common factors include: gravity, heredity, stress and environmental conditions. Other

    Facelift Procedure

    Before the facelift procedure, your cosmetic surgeon needs to carefully examine your face to determine which part needs to be treated to enhance your facial appearance. The common areas that are focused during the facelift treatment include: cosmetic surgeon needs

    • Jaw line
    • Jowls
    • Cheeks
    • Mid face
    • Forehead
    • Deeper facial tissues
    • Additio

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