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    What Is Underarm Accessory Breast Tissue or Breast Tail In Women?

    April 21, 2018

    What Is Underarm Accessory Breast Tissue or Breast Tail In Women?

    Accessory Breast Under Arm  

    Accessory breast or Underarm Accessory Breast is a common problem in many women. Most of these women complain that they have underarm soft swelling or bulkiness. This swelling may be of variable Size. It can be found on one or both under-arm.

    Symptom of Accessory Breast

    They also complain that they are not able to wear sleeveless clothes as they notice unwanted bulkiness just below axilla or due to irritation by clothes. It becomes more visible when arm is on the side.
    In most of them this swelling is painless.

    Posted in Facial Plastic Surgery by South Delhi Cosmetic Clinic
    December 19, 2016

    Neck lift is a cosmetic procedure that can enhance the appearance of your neck. Neck lift helps in tightening your skin and underlying muscles. Neck lift treatment can improve the contour of the jaw line. Neck lift treatment can be performed in combination with liposuction, face lift and cheek lift. In few cases neck lift treatment can also be a stand-alone procedure that can be used to improve your features.

    Candidate for Neck Lift

    Neck lift treatment is considered in the following conditions:

    • When you have a turkey wattle that will make you look much older than your age
    • When your neck is too fat
    • In case where the distinct jaw line is lost
    • When you have excess skin and wrinkles on your neck.
    • When your neck has developed folds and lines

    Neck Lift Procedure

    Liposuction is generally considered in case when minimal contouring is required. Neck lift is a step wise procedure that involves the following steps:

    1. Initially incisions are made under your chin or behind your ears depending on the procedure that you have chosen for treatment.
    2. Patysma muscle is tightened and sewn together as the shoelaces are clinched.
    3. Excess skin and fat present in your neck region is carefully trimmed during th

    December 14, 2016

    Testosterone commonly referred to as male hormone. Imbalance in testosterone levels can cause different changes in your body. Testosterone is responsible for sexual features and overall growth of reproductive organs in men. The common condition seen in men due to low testosterone levels is gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition in which the breast gets enlarged. Gynecomastia generally occurs when the estrogen level increases due to decrease in the testosterone levels in your body. Low testosterone has a negative impact on man’s sex drive and mood.  Low testosterone is also considered as hypogonadism that is reported in aged men.

    Low Testosterone or Hypogonadism Complications

    One in four men usually suffer with hypogonadism or low testosterone levels over the age of 45. The most common complication seen in men due to low testosterone levels are:

    • Reduced libido
    • Poor sperm count
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Enlarges breast or gynecomastia


    Men generally produce both estrogen and testosterone. If a man’s testosterone level is decreased in comparison to estrogen, or if the estrogen is produced in excess in comparison to testosterone, gynecomastia generally occurs. Hormonal changes are generally reported

    December 3, 2016

    Microdermabrasion and dermabrasion are two different methods used for skin treatment. Dermabrasion is used to treat pox marks, acne scars and the scars caused due to accidents. Dermabrasion is recommended for people with lighter skin shade whereas, when dermabrasion is used on dark skin people, it can lead to scars and discolouration. Microdermabrasion can be used for all skin types and colours. It does not lead to any skin colour change and scarring unlike dermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is not suitable for deeper skin problems like deep acne scars, stretch marks.

    Microdermabrasion Treatment

    Microdermabrasion commonly called as microderm is a common cosmetic procedure used to enhance your facial looks. It is a non-invasive, non-chemical procedure. During this procedure the micro crystals are sprayed on the skin surface to exfoliate dry and dead skin cells present on your skin surface. Crystal or non-crystal both methods can be used to treat the dead skin during microdermabrasion. Removal of dry and dead skin cells will help you in achieving a healthier looking skin and improves your facial appearance. Microdermabrasion enables the production of a new skin layer which is rich in collagen and elastin.

    Microdermabrasion Benefits

    Microderm has many benefits when c

    December 1, 2016

    Aging is a process of becoming older and every human being goes through this phase in life. The common signs of aging include wrinkles, fine lines and gray hair. As your skin ages, it loses the skin tightening protein called collagen. Collagen is responsible for maintaining a smooth taut surface. Aging effects are visible on the dermal layers.

    Aging Affects on your Body

    Aging also affects the other organs in your body. The common issues that you will face during aging are:

    1. Cardiovascular System 

    As your age increases, your heart rate becomes slower. The arteries and blood vessels become stiffer by making it difficult for your heart to pump blood through them. Stiffening your arteries can lead to high blood pressure and hypertension and increase the risk of other cardiovascular diseases.

    1. Muscular System

    Muscles generally lose strength and flexibility as you grow older. As you age, muscle mass decreases and body fat increases. The bones tend to shrink and thus, bones lose density and become weak. Calcium is essential for your bones and is required in excess amounts during old age.

    1. Digestive System


    September 29, 2016

    Rhinoplasty is commonly referred to as nose job. Rhinoplasty is a surgical treatment used to change the symmetry of face by resizing and reshaping the nose. Rhinoplasty is mainly used to:

    • Relieve breathing problems
    • Increase or decrease the size of the nose  in relation to the facial balance
    • Reshape the tip or the nasal bridge
    • Nostril openings can be narrowed
    • Modification or correction of birth defect or injury
    • Change the nose profile by making the humps and depressions visible
    • Resize and positioning of the nostrils

    Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi for Perfect Nose Shape

    Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi or Nose Surgery in Delhi is usually done through an incision inside the nostril and in few rare cases the incision is made from outside near the base of the nose. Local anaesthesia is used to numb the area around the n

    August 25, 2016

    Wrinkles are the mainly visible with old age. Wrinkles generally occur due to old age. Wrinkles occur on the parts of the body that are mostly exposed to sun. The parts that get more sun exposure include face, neck and hands.  Wrinkles can be categorized into 2 categories that include fine lines and deeper furrows.

    Causes of Wrinkles

    The main factors that can cause wrinkles include:

    • Sun exposure

    Sun exposure is the common cause of wrinkles in people. The parts that are mostly exposed to sun show visible wrinkles.

    • Smoking

    Smoking has many side effects on health of a person. It can cause mild to chronic health problems. The mild effects include development of wrinkles on the body.

    • Family history and heredity

    In most of the people wrinkles can be a hereditary condition. Few families have more wrinkles when compared to other and can get transferred to the offspring. It can also be due to certain inherited genes from the parents to the children.

    • Skin type

    Generally people with light coloured or fair coloured skin and blu

    August 25, 2016

    Cosmetic Surgeries are very popular and common these days. People often choose Cosmetic Surgery to reshape the appearance of the body parts. The most common parts that can be improved through Cosmetic Surgery include:

    • Face: Cosmetic Surgery is done on face mainly to remove wrinkles and acne scars.
    • Ears: People with large ears or protruding ears often go for Pinnaplasty or Otoplasty to resize the ears and setting the protruding ears closer to the head.
    • Eyes: The drooping upper eyelids can be treated with Cosmetic procedure known as

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